Die Suche ergab 146 Treffer

von Constantino Gastaldi
Dienstag, 30 März 2010, 16:21
Forum: Science Talk
Thema: New and undescribed species from Mato Grosso and thanks God.
Antworten: 0
Zugriffe: 29535

New and undescribed species from Mato Grosso and thanks God.

[align=center]This is a recently found species, Dyckia species from Mato Grosso. This beautiful over silver scale coated species lives on rocks in a very rough condition. Over scaled plants tend to live on very dry contitions and the scales help the plant to cope with this lack of water. They allow ...
von Constantino Gastaldi
Dienstag, 30 März 2010, 15:14
Forum: Science Talk
Thema: Preserving the true speicies.
Antworten: 0
Zugriffe: 6959

Preserving the true speicies.

Oh, I do not like the hybrids...I prefer the true species...how come you keeping hybrids... I constantly hear of this. Yes I like the hybvrids, of coursely I do! Who doens´t? But...but not just them and why? Those who think that keeping a plant in your garden is saving the plant as species is wrong...
von Constantino Gastaldi
Dienstag, 30 März 2010, 14:24
Forum: Science Talk
Thema: With my feet well on the ground
Antworten: 0
Zugriffe: 6994

With my feet well on the ground

I live in Brazil! I speak Portuguese and also I was born and brought up here. I can read English, French, Some German, Romanian, Italian, Spanish, old Latim and old Greek...I am no fool. People who use to wander in our wilderness take a long long time to realize one must spent a much longer time in ...
von Constantino Gastaldi
Montag, 29 März 2010, 4:13
Forum: Science Talk
Antworten: 1
Zugriffe: 6879


[/img][align=center]This is it! Nothing compares to this!! Dyckia or any other bromeliad species or hybrid. This wonder was found in Northeastern Santa Catarina uphills a bit more than a here ago. Colors are perene, stay so year around. Gets even better by day time with the fiercy Sun. Here it is un...
von Constantino Gastaldi
Donnerstag, 18 März 2010, 4:13
Forum: Cultivation
Thema: I am hooked on Dyckias... for their beauty...
Antworten: 8
Zugriffe: 12600

Yes, the more I am used to them, the more I ge to know them the more I get hooked by them.
von Constantino Gastaldi
Mittwoch, 10 März 2010, 5:25
Forum: Identification
Thema: New beauties around...
Antworten: 0
Zugriffe: 6223

New beauties around...

[/align][/img][align=center] http://lh4.ggpht.com/_N-s5Qx3NFMg/S5cciBsUzvI/AAAAAAAAoTk/vJ21z_mkq7E/s640/Dyckia%2008.03.10%20333.jpg [/align] [align=center]Brazilian wilderness has much more to show.This is a Dyckia species from Rio Grande do Sul. I do believe we may have just in Brazil more than fiv...
von Constantino Gastaldi
Dienstag, 9 März 2010, 16:18
Forum: Cultivation
Thema: I am hooked on Dyckias... for their beauty...
Antworten: 8
Zugriffe: 12600

..or we might be painters....

[align=center]...and we use living material to make masterpieces of art...living..live and alive...[/align] [align=center] http://lh6.ggpht.com/_N-s5Qx3NFMg/S5ZlcvT1WZI/AAAAAAAAoJA/DJtdfM4h4WI/s640/Dyckia%2008.03.10%20188.jpg [/align] [align=center] http://lh6.ggpht.com/_N-s5Qx3NFMg/S5ZlcvT1WZI/AAAA...
von Constantino Gastaldi
Sonntag, 28 Februar 2010, 16:01
Forum: Cultivation
Thema: I am hooked on Dyckias... for their beauty...
Antworten: 8
Zugriffe: 12600

Blue, I am fascinated, allured by Dyckias no doubt

Friend, I live in Brazil and I am used to the most beautiful plants, flowers, shrubs, cacti, trees, bromeliads, orchids, succulents and so and so. My eyes are used to the beauty but Dyckias....they ever surprise me, fascinate me, allure me. They are uncomparable plants regal ones. The effort they m...
von Constantino Gastaldi
Samstag, 27 Februar 2010, 18:18
Forum: Cultivation
Thema: I am hooked on Dyckias... for their beauty...
Antworten: 8
Zugriffe: 12600

I am hooked on Dyckias... for their beauty...

[align=center]I am Brazilian and also I am fond of Dyckias... hooked on them and uncountable times hooked by them.[/align] [align=center]I do not care enough for just any Dyckia to keep all of them in my garden. A Dyckia must be dazzling to get under my skin. No, not all Dyckias are beautiful and de...
von Constantino Gastaldi
Donnerstag, 25 Februar 2010, 21:33
Forum: Cultivation
Thema: Speices or not this is not a big arguing....
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 7432

Kein Winter hält ewig, Gerfi! Vielleicht haben Sie einen noman Pflanze haben, vielleicht ein Hybrid, vielleicht ein true red Form, aber eines ist sicher: es ist ein schönes, die ein du hast erzogen. Wast sie ein Klon ihrer Mutter oder Form ein Samen. Ist das ein Sämling? Alle Dyckia Sämlinge sind ve...
von Constantino Gastaldi
Donnerstag, 25 Februar 2010, 16:39
Forum: Cultivation
Thema: Speices or not this is not a big arguing....
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 7432

Speices or not this is not a big arguing....

Yes Gerfi, your plant is beautiful and will be even better looking under the care of yours in some more years to come. Also the questioning true species or not is not of a such great value as never in history a Dyckia that had stayed in any collection returned to wilderness and here in Brazil it wil...
von Constantino Gastaldi
Donnerstag, 25 Februar 2010, 13:50
Forum: Cultivation
Thema: My first Dyckia goehringii
Antworten: 21
Zugriffe: 29248

http://lh6.ggpht.com/_N-s5Qx3NFMg/S4ZqiDWz1WI/AAAAAAAAnWI/-TWX3kN5gkk/s640/Dyckia%2020.02.10%20067.jpg [align=center][/align] Well, this is not that big picture I intented it to be but still is a very elucidative one. Dyckia goehring bears so minute scales it seeems the plant was waxed. These scale...
von Constantino Gastaldi
Donnerstag, 25 Februar 2010, 11:03
Forum: Cultivation
Thema: My first Dyckia goehringii
Antworten: 21
Zugriffe: 29248

I crave the big photos! Those that show details. I just sorry I can´t sent them any larger. Photos are to clarify, to remove doubts, photos are to see . They are not for guessing, keep on wondering. Pictutes are great specially when they fulfil their purposes and when big, really Big. Those we have ...
von Constantino Gastaldi
Samstag, 6 Februar 2010, 1:11
Forum: Cultivation
Thema: My first Dyckia goehringii
Antworten: 21
Zugriffe: 29248

Hi. This for sure would be great. But if so....keep just one eye shut and the other keep it wide opened. Science said many stupidity in therms of taxonomy. Some historical! I never mannaged to get pure Dyckia goehringii seeds as I had just two plants and they wers the very same plant. Now I ´ve got ...
von Constantino Gastaldi
Freitag, 5 Februar 2010, 11:28
Forum: Cultivation
Thema: My first Dyckia goehringii
Antworten: 21
Zugriffe: 29248

Yes congartulatios and of course welcome back again!

[align=center]Yes this is a true genuine pure Species Dyckia goehringii. I wonder how it made it to you but this is always an epic. You will need another pure strain to get to seeds as this baby is not self fertile. We can not state too much even with a plant in hands, imagine by pictures. But all o...