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Hello to Everyone!

Verfasst: Dienstag, 20 Februar 2007, 5:26
von Bill
Hello Bromeliad-nuts!

I'm so happy to have found you! I would like to introduce myself as Bill. I am a nurseryman and Tillandsia enthusiast located in Oakland (near lovely San Francisco) California (a BLUE state!).

My interest in Tillandsias was re-awakened about two years ago... there was a time in my early adulthood that I tried growing them, but at that time I was living in the frigid North of the country- Minneapolis- and was, well, not very succssful. But now I can grow them out-of -doors in our moderate climate. Hooray!

I have a collection of about 40 species at this point, most of which are from the Mexican highlands, Argentina and drier parts of the Andes. They mostly all live harmoniously, pinned to the trunk of a Phoenix canariensis palm adjacent to my apartment.

It will be my pleasure to chat with all of you on this board, share whatever information that I can, and rely on your collective experience.

O, ja... ich kann auch ein bisschen Deutsch sprechen (und vielleicht gar wenig schreiben!) und ich werde manchmal meine Poste auf Deutsch zu schreiben versuchen. Aber dass haengt von wie muede ich mich fuehle an der Ende des Tages ab! Ich hoffe das Sie meinen Fehler entschuldigen wuerden.


Verfasst: Dienstag, 20 Februar 2007, 22:24
von Timm Stolten
Hi Bill,

again "Welcome" to our forum, this is the place for all bromeliads-nuts
It is always nice to hear (and hopefully see) from you folks across the
Atlantic. You guys are blessed with such a better climate then we are
over here when it comes to cultivation of bromeliads.

Fell free to post in the language you are in the mood in,
we will figure out what you mean ;-)
Your german appears to be much better then my english by the end
of a long day.

Just a little hint: Most of the active users here are germans, if you don't
get answers very fast it does not mean, nobody reads your post.
Some folks maybe don't dare to answer in english or are unfortunately
not too familiar with that language. So don't take that personally.
Maybe we can teach one another ;-)

Greetz Timm

Verfasst: Mittwoch, 21 Februar 2007, 6:22
von Bill
Halo Timm!

Thank you very much! As I can muddle my way through English, German, and Spanish, I hope that anyone who participates on this board will feel comfortable talking with me. As you said, we can figure it out!
