Unidentified plant. Is it Tillandsia or Vriesea ?

Got a nameless bromeliad? Maybe we can help you here.
Beiträge: 113
Registriert: Sonntag, 6 Februar 2005, 18:14
Wohnort: Khon Kaen

Unidentified plant. Is it Tillandsia or Vriesea ?

Beitrag von SSairplants »

Hi All,

This plant I got from Peru 3 years ago. And It has no name. Untill lately it just flowered. But still I can't find the name. As I thought I was look like Vr.blacayana. But the colors of bract and petal are different. My plant has only lime-green color. If anyone has got this same plant and you know the name please let me know. It would be very helpful.

Thank you very much.


Words are like weapons. They wound sometimes.
Timm Stolten
Beiträge: 1690
Registriert: Sonntag, 28 März 2004, 10:49
Wohnort: Hamburg

Beitrag von Timm Stolten »

Hi Seth,

that is a tricky one.
When it comes to those greyish Vrieseas, I do have some species,
but they do not flower very often. So it is hard to tell.
I tend more to Vriesea:
You can tell Vriesea and Tillandsia apart if you open a flower and check,
if each petal at the bottom has a little appendix looking like a tongue
as you can see here at this Vriesea rothii.

If there is a tongue (called ligulae), it is a Vriesea.

Greetings Timm
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Beiträge: 113
Registriert: Sonntag, 6 Februar 2005, 18:14
Wohnort: Khon Kaen

Beitrag von SSairplants »

Ahhh thanks very much Timm. That helps a lot :D. I only know that Tillandsia petals are separated freely from each other. But now I know how to identify Vriesea. Very great informations.

Thanks again :)
Words are like weapons. They wound sometimes.
Lieselotte Hromadnik
Beiträge: 66
Registriert: Sonntag, 23 Mai 2004, 21:17

Beitrag von Lieselotte Hromadnik »

I suppose this plant has been described in 1983 by Pof. Werner Rauh as Vriesea curvispica.
Lieselotte Hromadnik
Beiträge: 66
Registriert: Sonntag, 23 Mai 2004, 21:17

Beitrag von Lieselotte Hromadnik »

Post scriptum : Vriesea (now Tillandsia ???) curvispica comes from Balsas, Northern Peru.
Beiträge: 113
Registriert: Sonntag, 6 Februar 2005, 18:14
Wohnort: Khon Kaen

Beitrag von SSairplants »

Lieselotte Hromadnik hat geschrieben:Post scriptum : Vriesea (now Tillandsia ???) curvispica comes from Balsas, Northern Peru.
Hi Lieselotte,

Thanks for the informations. I still can't find the name curvispica. Do you have any link of it so I can compare them.


Words are like weapons. They wound sometimes.
Lieselotte Hromadnik
Beiträge: 66
Registriert: Sonntag, 23 Mai 2004, 21:17

Beitrag von Lieselotte Hromadnik »

Hi Seth,
description of Vriesea curvispica Rauh in Bromelienstudien XIII of 1983. I will send a mail with the scan of the pictures on page 54.