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Encholirium horridum

Verfasst: Samstag, 10 März 2007, 8:43
von chanin
Hi Bromanias,

I would like to know that, is Encholirium horridum a monocarpic plant ?
Could it shoot pup or not ?

Here is my plant.


Verfasst: Sonntag, 11 März 2007, 13:00
von Timm Stolten
Sorry chanin, I do not have any records on that.
I only own one plant of Encholirium horridum, a bit smaller than yours
and it does not make any pups yet.
The whole genus is very rare in cultivation around here, so there is
no one I could ask.

Cheers Timm

Verfasst: Montag, 19 März 2007, 9:07
von Gérard Delanoy
Hi Chanin,

Encholirium horridum is unfortunately a true monocarpic plant. I have seen this nice species in Minas Gerais (Brazil). In this state the species is represented by a very very great number of specimens on rocky place as the so called inselberg with vertical faces. Unfortunately I have found no seeds and the plants never show offsetts and propagation can be made only by seeds. The species seems not endangered.
I have some seedlings of of Encholirium sp. with field data. I greatly appreciate to exchange with species of brazilian Orthophytum or Hohenbergia.

Regards from Nice (SE of France),


Verfasst: Montag, 19 März 2007, 16:10
von chanin
Bonjour Gerard :D

Thanks for your information, it must be a really great trip :shock:
Suppose you may not know yet, I'm an avid xeric brom lover!

Years ago, my front yard was plenty of Agave and caudiciforms,
but today it's a place for 300 pots of 180 terrestrial & xeric bromeliads.





Dyckia estevesii, the fan-shaped Dyckia.

These are some of Encholirium sp. that I got from Rudolf Schulz
of Tarrington Exotics in Austraria two years ago.





Ench. horridum with Rudolf's Encho. spp. on the background.


I also have some seedlings of what Rudolf call Encholirium sp. 'Vau'


This is an image of Ench. sp. 'Vau' from Tarrington Exotics's site which is no longer.


Among my spiney collection, I have about 50 kind of Orthophytum, species and hybrid.



This is a pup from 4 different clones of Orthophytum lemei.


As you know, Thailand has tropical climate, so it's a paradise for those Brazilian broms :lol:

And surely, I must be appreciated to swob plant with you.

Verfasst: Dienstag, 20 März 2007, 19:30
von Uwe Tholen
Hi Chanin,

great pictures! It seems that the climate in Bangkok really helps to grow
these plants. Please add new pictures from time to time.

Verfasst: Donnerstag, 29 März 2007, 10:08
von chanin
Hi Uwe,
These are the set of unknown Encholirium from Rudolf 's collection which get bigger,
the pic was taken last two week.


And one or two year seedling of Encholirium horidum that I bought from Tropiflora in US last month.

Verfasst: Donnerstag, 29 März 2007, 12:00
von Joachim
Hello Chanin,

your plants are looking so well :D :D :D :D

did you give them drugs? :wink: :wink:

best gegards


Verfasst: Donnerstag, 29 März 2007, 15:49
von chanin
Hallo (another nice) Joachim :lol:

Even myself, sometimes, being surprised, how fast those xeric grow.
I think because of our climate here in Thailand being as tropical as in their habitat.

And may be I am a kind of avid collector too :roll:
Last three year, there were only 10 kinds of xeric broms in my collection,
while nearly 200 different kinds today !
Amongst those spiney, there has been many interesting Broms in my collection
that came from Germany via our good friends, JoachimInB, Thanks again.


Verfasst: Samstag, 31 März 2007, 10:48
von Joachim
Hello Chanin

here you can have a litel Look off my xerophytic plants :cry: :cry: :cry:


i wish you the very best off your plants


Verfasst: Samstag, 31 März 2007, 16:28
von chanin
Thanks Joachim :shock:

Very interesting collection ! and I noticed that you have a lot more space
to make a desert garden up there.
I would like to see some closed up pic of yours xeric broms.

Verfasst: Mittwoch, 4 April 2007, 9:16
von Gérard Delanoy
Hello Chanin,

Sorry for this silence but I was absent during some days. Your collection is very nice, fantastic. How do find all the seeds and plants necessary to make a such collection?

I send you some pictures of Encholirium horridum in habitat in the state of Minas Gerais. On one of the picture you can see on a vertical cliff E. horridum with a giant (? )Vriesea near the little town of Pedra Azul.

With best regards


Verfasst: Freitag, 6 April 2007, 16:42
von chanin
Meci bocoup !! Gérard !

But, I can't see your pictures in the thread, you may have to post or edit the URL correctly.
Normally, if you have a free album account in
you just copy its IMG Code and paste into your forum's messege directly.

Anyway, I can imagine how they look in their habitat from your description :lol:


Verfasst: Dienstag, 10 April 2007, 9:53
von Gérard Delanoy
Bonjour Chanin,

Sorry, I have had problems with pictures. I hope that now you couls see the photos thanks to yours advices.

These 3 pictures have been made in Minas Gerais. they are scanned slides , so the quality is not very good.

[ ... 5g02-1.jpg]
[/ ... D92b04.jpg]
[ ... D92d02.jpg]

With best regards,


chanin hat geschrieben:Meci bocoup !! Gérard !

But, I can't see your pictures in the thread, you may have to post or edit the URL correctly.
Normally, if you have a free album account in
you just copy its IMG Code and paste into your forum's messege directly.

Anyway, I can imagine how they look in their habitat from your description :lol:


Verfasst: Dienstag, 10 April 2007, 10:36
von chanin
Excuse Moi :)

I will try to re-corect your post Gérard




Verfasst: Dienstag, 10 April 2007, 10:46
von chanin
HooLey :lol:

It work, they are all wonderful pictures, never seen such a great habitat before.
What is that huge dark green plant in the last pic, is it a Tillandsia or Agave ?