BromWiki will be offline for a few days!

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Timm Stolten
Beiträge: 1690
Registriert: Sonntag, 28 März 2004, 10:49
Wohnort: Hamburg

BromWiki will be offline for a few days!

Beitrag von Timm Stolten »

Howdie folks

the BromWiki will be shut down for al while within the next days.
There is a lot of upgrading and maintenance stuff to do.

And I am sick and tired of all these russian spammers, who keep
messing up the wiki.

I will try to set it into a read-only mode for that time,
in case I will find out how to do so;-)

Greetings Timm
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Timm Stolten
Beiträge: 1690
Registriert: Sonntag, 28 März 2004, 10:49
Wohnort: Hamburg

BromWki is back again

Beitrag von Timm Stolten »

the BromWki is back again and open to use !
Due to many changes in the software, there might be some minor
errors throughout the site.
Please drop me a line in such cases.

Greetings Timm
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