Members from our club today gave there debriefing to the our club in Caboolture. They said due to the poor lighting the plants could not be shown at their best, and had to purches spot light lamps for our display. Of what I saw of the photos they took at the show, it looked like a very poor showing of Australian societies in displays, 6 in all, not being there and getting second hand information. They said the transport of plants being the problem.
The Australians gave a talk from each state on the problems and their different growing methods.
The show plants about 500 in all took you three hours to register which he said was very bad, due to the orginisers, not knowing how to classify.
Once that was sorted out, they said all ran smoothly.
They had a rare plant auction and someone paid $4000 plus for one plant, but everything was out of all but the rich and stupid price range.
The overseas US delagation were very happy with the quality of our plants. Their were a few people from Japan and Thailand. Most from USA. They have $100,000 to spend for the next one.
If you went please tell of what you thought of it. Because with all the up beat about it, no very much is getting back to us.